Friday, May 8, 2009

At times, the fire gets hotter!

Tonite was the athletic banquet for our Seniors. My husband is the baseball coach, Sawyer, our freshman, played football, basketball, and baseball, and this would be our Angel, Malorie's Sr. Year. I thought I had prepared myself for this. Sawyer lettered in baseball, which really surprised him, only 3 freshman lettered so we were thrilled for him!
As I watched all of Mal's classmates go up for their awards, I did ok, actually, I was very proud of her friends and how much they have grown up.

But then, after the banquet, several of Malorie's friends wanted us to take their picture with them. Then the tears came. I couldn't do the picture, I had to get out of there before I fell apart! My wonderful husband covered for me and he was in the picture with them.

They are so sweet to always remember Mal. They had a Sr. poster made with all of the kids in their sports uniform, in each corner were pictures of Mal in her basketball and cheerleading uniforms and it said at the top; SENIORS REMEMBERING MAL.

All the way home I was talking to God, "when is it not gonna hurt so bad? I opened my laptop and up came a post from a lady I have met while blogging. Jenifer, I hope you don't mind me using your life verse. I read one of your blog entries on grief, it was such a blessing at just the perfect time Jenifer.

1 Peter 1:7, "These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold.

So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."

Jenifer, like you said, we have definitely been thru the fire. I am much closer to God, my faith is stronger than ever, I think now more than ever, everything I do has a purpose;

"For HIS Glory!" Yes, sometimes the fire gets hotter, and, I have also learned that I can't take on this grief myself. I have to cry out to God, really cry out! And just like over the past 5 years, our Heavenly Father will carry us thru.

Malorie, I am forever greatful for the lessons you continue to teach us from Heaven. We love and miss you sweetheart.

The trials we face now are nothing compared to the joy when we are in Heaven! What a day, we can only "IMAGINE".

Jennifer, thanks again, you have truly been a blessing to me.



  1. Goodness you humbled me....I would like to think it was Tyler - or Tyler's story and what it has taught me (the little I'm able to share) that was a blessing!

    Thank you for your sweet comments. The verse is a beautiful one!! And please feel free to add me to your blogroll (not that I know exactly what all that means but I'm glad we're friends!)

    Mother's Day is so bittersweet....Tyler was my biggest fan! But I am choosing JOY and to rejoice that I am blessed to be a mommy three times! I hope your day is a good one, as well.

    Praying for you tomorrow!

  2. I have so enjoyed reading your blog the last 15 minutes. I am adding you to my "blogs I follow" and I signed you up for our Biggest Loser Bloggin' Style. I am praying today you are "filled to the fullness" of God (spiritually, emotionally and physically)!

  3. Hoping your first day of "getting Healthy" was blessed!!! can't wait to hear how well you did next Monday, May 18th!!

  4. Hi Natalie! I just wanted to come by and see how you are doing. I said a prayer for you while I was here.

    The God of all Comfort will comfort you. Much love to you my friend.
