Even though much is missing, I HAVE MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR!
Today, even though the pain of Malorie not being here with us on Thanksgiving is there, I am choosing to be thankful for the "MUCH" the my Heavenly Father has blessed me with.
I am thankful that Sawyer, my 17 year old will still talk to me about his girlfriend and what's going on in his life. Ashleigh is back home for 5 days from college! I am married to my best friend, Bryan! I am thankful for the memories I have of the great times we had with Malorie and that I can smile when I think of her!
I am thankful for my Bible which I have really been getting into these past few months and am finally learning how to "be still and listen for his voice!"
I'm thankful for my mom and dad, my inlaws and my brother and 2 sisters. I love being an aunt to my niece and nephews!
I'm thankful for my home, our church family, girls bible study, and my job.
MOST IMPORTANT: I am thankful that because Christ gave up his only son for us, one day, I will get to spend eternity with my Heavenly Father!